Manufacturing > NC Check > ModuleWorks > To Modify the Settings of Material Removal Simulation
To Modify the Settings of Material Removal Simulation
On the Material Removal tab, click the Settings sub-tab. The Settings sub-tab contains settings related to collision checking, tolerances, and stock display.
Checking Collisions
Collisions among different equipment in the workcell that are found during simulation helps you effectively modify the NC sequences.
Check holder against stock—Check for any collision between the holder and the stock.
Check shaft against stock—Check for any collision between the shaft and the stock.
Check tool against fixture—Check for any collision between tools and fixtures.
Check tool during rapid moves—Check for inconsistencies during rapid tool movement.
The report is generated under the Collision Report field in the Play Simulation dialog box. You must click the Collision Check check box on the View sub tab in the Play Simulation dialog box to generate the report.
Checking Tolerances
Tolerances are the standards against which you can calculate the collisions and gouges. Tolerances indicate that within the specified values, collisions or gouges are not reported.
Safety distance—Type the minimum safety distance within which the collision is reported to avoid physical damage.
Collision tolerance—Type a tolerance value for collision detection.
Interpolation tolerance—Type the interpolation tolerance value to check for collisions and gouges.
Saved STL tolerance—Type a tolerance value for triangulating stock model.
Modifying and Refining the Stock Display
Refresh interval (in ms)—Type or select the interval after which the information on the Material Removal tab is updated.
Auto refinement—Refine the stock display. The stock display resolution increases.
Rendering—Double-click a color palette next to any item to modify the associated color.
Toolpath width—Type or select the width of the tool path that is displayed. You can set the maximum value of 5.
Show stock edges—Click to display the edges of the stock.
Model Import
Treat assembled components as fixtures—Click to treat assembly components as fixtures instead of as targets during simulation. The setting is valid only at the start of the ModuleWorks plug-in.
Suppress material removal features—Click to suppress all the material removal features after the first simulated NC sequence to obtain the correct stock model for the simulation. By default, the check box is clicked. This reduces the time it takes to open the Material Removal tab; however, the material removal features are not part of the stock. Clear the check box, if you do not want to suppress the material removal features. You can view the effects of changed settings after the Material Removal tab is reopened with the saved settings.
Use insert mode for suppression—Click to suppress the material removal features by using the Insert Mode in the Model Tree. You can clear the check box to reduce the time it takes to open the Material Removal tab. You can view the effects of changed settings after the Material Removal tab is reopened with the saved settings.
Loading and Saving Settings
Load Settings—Load an XML file. The pre-defined values on this file override the values on the Material Removal tab. By default, the settings are loaded from the mw_settings.xml file.
Save Settings—Save all values set on the Material Removal tab. The color settings on the Play Simulation dialog box are also saved in the setting file. The settings are saved in an XML file.
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