Manufacturing > Milling > Trajectory Milling > Custom Trajectory Milling Sequences > To Create Axis Definitions Along the Trajectory
To Create Axis Definitions Along the Trajectory
1. Select the Axis Control option in the CUTMOTION SETUP menu. If defining the cut motion using edges or curves, choose Axis Def from the AXIS CNTRL menu. The system displays the AXIS DEF menu, which lets you add, remove, redefine, and show axis definitions.
2. Click Add.
3. Click Along Trajectory > Done/Return.
4. Select a point on a trajectory segment to place the axis definition.
5. Specify a parameter value along this segment to place the point, with 0 corresponding to the beginning of the segment and 1 to its end. The ENTER VAL menu will contain the value corresponding to your select point, as well as 0, 1, and the Enter option, which allows you to type a value you want.
6. Specify the tool axis orientation at selected point using one of the following options in the AXIS DEF TYPE menu:
Along Z Dir—The tool axis will be parallel to the Z-axis of the NCSequence coordinate system.
Datum Axis—Select or create a datum axis to define the tool axis.
Enter Value—Type the i, j, k values in the appropriate text boxes of the Axis Direction dialog box and click OK.
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