Manufacturing > NC Check > About Stock Models > To Create a Stock Model
To Create a Stock Model
You can create a stock model when the active operation references one of the following workcells:
Wire EDM
1. On the Mill tab, Turn tab, or Wire EDM tab, click Manufacturing > Stock Model.
Alternatively, in the Model Tree right-click the sequences or operation for which the stock model is required and select Stock Model. The Stock_Model tab opens.
2. Click the Reference Steps collector and select the required NC sequences in the Model tree.
If you have opened the Stock_Model tab by selecting one or more sequences in the Model Tree, the number of sequences selected appears in the Reference Steps collector.
You must select constraints to calculate the stock model. The selected constraints appear in the Previous Stock or Boundary collector on the References tab. The constraints can be one of the following types:
Previously defined stock model
3. On the References tab, the following options are available:
Reference Steps—If you have selected one or more NC sequence as reference steps. They are listed in this collector. If not, select the required sequences.
Previous Stock or Boundary—Select constraints to calculate the stock model. The constraints can be one of the following types:
Previously defined stock model
Selection of reference steps and previous stock or boundary options are also available on the shortcut menu in the graphics window.
4. On the Options tab, select one of the following precision setting for the stock model in the Precision box:
Higher precision increases the processing time.
If you select Automatic, the precision settings from the default mw_settings.xml file are loaded for the stock model. Any updates to the precision settings in the mw_settings.xml file for material removal simulation is also applied to the stock model when using Automatic.
Click Export Stock Model to save the model as a .stl file.
5. On the Properties tab, specify a name for the stock model. The Name box shows the default name.
6. Click to compute the stock model and preview the result in the graphics window.
7. Select one of the following options depending on your requirement:
Click to save the changes. The stock model is created and listed in the footer of the Model Tree.
Click to pause the process of creating the stock model and create a required feature asynchronously.
Click to cancel the changes.
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