Manufacturing > Auto Drilling > Filters Available for Auto Drilling
Filters Available for Auto Drilling
The following filters are available:
Surface—Filters holes based on their start surface. The middle list box contains a list of the existing start surfaces.
Diameter—Filters holes based on their diameter. The middle list box contains a list of the existing hole diameters.
Hole Style—Filters holes based on the assigned drilling method. The middle list box contains a list of the existing Hole Strategies.
Parameters—Filters holes based on the specified parameter value. The middle list box contains a list of all feature parameters associated with Hole and Cosmetic Thread features in the model. When you select a parameter name in the list, the Value text box below will contain a drop-down list of all the currently present values for this parameter. Select the desired operator (for example, "!=") from the drop-down Operator list, and a value from the Value drop-down list to specify a relation. The system displays the resulting relation in the bottom list box.
Status—Filters holes based on their machining status. If you select Incomplete, displays only those holes that have not been programmed.
Default—Filters holes based on the machining direction of the coordinate system (equivalent to removing all the selected filters).
If you specify a combination of filters, the system searches for holes that satisfy all of them; that is, if you specify a diameter value and select a surface, the system includes only the holes of the specified diameter that are located on the selected surface.
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