Manufacturing > Turning > Changing the Stock Boundary Outline for Classic 4-Axis Area Turning
Changing the Stock Boundary Outline for Classic 4-Axis Area Turning
You can change the stock boundary outline for 4–axis area turning at any time; however, it will automatically cause the cut definition to be regenerated. The system will issue a warning and prompt if you want to continue. If you answer "yes", the STOCK BOUND menu opens:
Add—Modify the stock boundary definition. You will have a choice of Select, Sketch, and Stock Envelope options. If you use Sketch and the current stock boundary is sketched, the old sketch will be retrieved for you to modify (if you want to start a new sketch, use the Remove option first). Note that only one stock boundary definition can exist at a time; therefore, choosing Add actually replaces the old definition with a new one.
Remove—Remove the stock boundary definition. If there is only one workpiece in the manufacturing assembly, the system will then use the workpiece cross section as a stock boundary. If there are multiple workpieces, or no workpiece, you have to supply another definition using the Add option.
Show—Display the current stock boundary definition.
Done—The system recalculates the cut area using the new stock boundary definition.
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