Manufacturing > Shop Floor Report > To Generate a Shop Floor Report
To Generate a Shop Floor Report
1. Click Applications > Process Documentation. The Process Documentation Options dialog box opens.
2. Click to define the parameter setup for Process Documentation.
The Process Documentation View Builder dialog box opens.
3. In the Process Documentation View Builder dialog box:
a. Select a view in the View name list:
Sequence List
Tool List
b. Select an item from the Group list.
c. Select the parameters for display in the report.
d. Click OK.
Optionally, you can use to customize the default parameter names that appear in the report.
The manufacturing assembly parameters that you create using Tools > Parameters are available in the Assembly Parameters list of the Summary view.
4. Optionally, enter the program number in the Program number box.
5. Specify the Company Information options:
Logo image—Navigate to the location of the company logo image file and select the image file. The default size of the company logo image file is 120x120 pixels. It is recommended to use an image file with a transparent background.
Company name—Enter the company name.
The Company Information details appear on the header of the generated report.
6. Select the Manufacturing model image checkbox to include an image of the manufacturing model in the Summary section of the report.
7. Select the Sequence image checkbox to include an image of sequence toolpath in the Sequence List section of the report.
If you select the Sequence image checkbox, it may take some time to generate the report as the toolpath is calculated for each sequence.
8. Select the Tool image checkbox to include an image of the tool in the Tool List section of the report.
9. Optionally, enter special instructions for the operator or user of the report in the Special Instructions box.
10. Optionally, select an image file and enter image title for additional images associated with the special instructions.
Click Add Image to add more image files and image titles. Each image is displayed with 380x200 pixels resolution in the report.
You can add maximum 4 image files with titles.
11. Click Create.
Consider the following when viewing the generated shop floor report:
The image related to an operation in the Summary section of the report also includes the corresponding Program Zero coordinate system and the fixture defined for the operation.
The manufacturing model and sequence toolpath images captured and displayed in the report are based on the current model view displayed in the graphics window.
The Special Instructions section is expanded in the report by default. If you did not provide special instructions or additional images, the corresponding section does not appear in the report.
The parameters that have defined values are displayed in the report.
To hide images in the report, select the Hide Images checkbox.
To display the parameters in the table format for space optimization, select the Table View checkbox. The parameters that do not have defined values are also displayed in the Table View.
In the Sequence List section, the sequence number and sequence name in the header of each sequence are displayed in the report.
In the Tool List section, the tool number of the tool along with the tool name in the header of each tool are displayed in the report.
In case of multiple operations, the last operation node is expanded. All other operations nodes are in collapsed state.
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