Using EXECUTE Statements in Assembly Listings
EXECUTE statements are valid for assembly listings only. They provide a link between input variables in an assembly and input variables for programs in parts and in the subassemblies that make up the assembly.EXECUTE statements follow this sequence:
EXECUTE {PART} name or variable
input variable of design at next lower level = expression
input variable.....
Similar to an ADD statement, an EXECUTE statement can be used in the format EXECUTE COMPONENT to interchange parts and assemblies. When specifying the component, make sure to use its extension (prt or asm).
When you are running a program, each part can be executed (that is, each part can receive variable values through an EXECUTE statement) only once. Avoid including conflicting instructions.
Hierarchy of Assembly Execution
Assemblies can execute subassemblies, which in turn can execute other subassemblies. The parts that compose a subassembly are not executed by the main assembly but are instead executed by the subassembly. Only the next level down in an assembly is executed by the assembly design.