Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The View Tab > Cross Sections > Working with Cross Sections > To Display Interferences among Components in a Cross Section
To Display Interferences among Components in a Cross Section
1. Open an assembly.
2. Create a cross section using Section tool on the View tab.
3. On the Section tab, click Options.
4. To display the interferences among components or overlapping surfaces in a section, click Show Interference. The color button becomes available.
5. Click . A color palette is displayed.
6. Specify a color. In the section, the interferences are displayed in the specified color.
7. Click in the Select a quilt to include collector and select a quilt in the graphics window. The selected quilt is included in the cross section.
If you drag the cross section, the interference display is updated appropriately.
To switch-off the interference display, clear the Show Interference check box.
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