To Control Shading Quality
The quality of a shaded model is determined by the size of triangles used for shading on revolved and spline surfaces. The higher the quality, the smoother the curved surfaces appear when shaded. Planar surfaces always appear the same, so they are not affected by the shade quality.
To change the quality and appearance of a shaded image:
1. Click File > Options > Model Display.
2. Under Shaded model display settings, select any of the following shading features:
Use Set shade quality to to adjust the value to the number you want by clicking the up or down arrows. The range is 1 to 50. The default value is 3. A setting of 50 takes the longest to generate.
Show surface features—To use shade surface features when shading the model. This can also be set using the configuration file option shade_surface_feat.
Show datum curve features—To display datum curves on the shaded model. This can also be set using the configuration file option shade_with.
Shade very small surfaces—To shade very small surfaces. This option can also be set by setting the configuration file option skip_small_surfaces to no.
Shade manufacturing reference model—To shade manufacturing reference models when shading the model. This can also be set using the configuration file option shade_mfg_ref_models.
Use level of detail for the shaded model when manipulating the view—To use levels of detail in shaded models during dynamic orientation. This can also be set using the configuration option lods_enabled
Using Set detail percentage to set the maximum level of detail that the system calculates. The range is from 0% through 100%. A setting of 100% (the default) represents no loss of detail. A setting of 0% represents almost a total loss of detail. This can also be set using the lods_value configuration option.
Show textures on shaded model—To enable the display of textures on shaded models.
Show curves or sketches in foreground of shaded models—To show curves or sketches in the foreground when visible. You can also use this setting in the following ways:
Set the configuration file option foreground_curves to yes
Right-click on the graphics toolbar and select the checkbox Foreground Curves.
Enable transparency—To enable transparency for a model in the current window.
Show clipped model as solid—To show shaded sectioned model as solid or as surfaces.
You can also use this setting in the following ways:
On the Graphics toolbar, click the Show Capped Section.
Click View > Model Display > Show Capped Section.
3. Click OK in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box. A message is displayed.
4. In the message box, click No to apply the settings to the current session only.
Click Yes if you want to save the settings to a file for using later in another session.
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