Using Transparency Control
Click > > to set customized transparency for solid bodies, quilts, and tessellated geometries. The Transparency Control command is available when the Display Style is set to Shading With Edges or Shading.
• Solid Bodies—Click
to turn the transparency on or off for all transparent solid bodies. See the next section to learn how to make bodies transparent.
• Quilts— Click
to turn the transparency of all quilts on or off.
• Tessellated—Click
to turn the transparency of all tessellated bodies on or off. For example, TrueSolid, faceted or volumetric geometries.
Move the slider or type a value in percentage to adjust the transparency. Solid bodies are 50 percent transparent by default.
To Make Solid Bodies Transparent
1. Select one or more bodies on the Model Tree or in the Graphics window.
2. Click Make Transparent on the mini toolbar. In the Model Tree, the body icons appear in lighter color and the selected bodies appear transparent in the graphics window.
• The configuration option transparency is the master switch that enables all transparency settings. By default, the option is set to yes.
• Transparency that is set as part of an appearance definition is treated as base transparency when you apply the appearance to geometry. If you adjust the transparency by using Transparency Control in addition to that, a relative transparency is set.
For example, if you apply a 50 percent transparent appearance to a quilt, and also set 50 percent transparency for all quilts by using Transparency Control, the quilt will appear 25 percent transparent.
• You can select individual bodies and make them transparent. The tessellated geometries and quilts cannot be selected individually.
• You can make hybrid bodies that contain both solid and tessellated geometries transparent. The solid and tessellated parts are controlled by respective transparency controls.
• You cannot see transparent geometries in the Shading With Reflections display style. You do not lose transparency values when you switch display styles.
• Full geometry lattices are shown as solid bodies, whereas lattices with simplified, homogenized, and voxelized geometry are shown as tessellated geometries.