Fundamentals > Working with the Model > Quilt/Body Evolution Tree
Quilt/Body Evolution Tree
In the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree you can view a list of all active bodies or quilts present in a model and their contributing features. In this tree, the evolution of geometry and relationship to other bodies or quilts defined by boolean and transition features such as Boolean, Merge, Thicken, Solidify and so on is presented as a hierarchical tree structure underneath each feature.
To Display the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree
In the Model Tree, click > , and the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree appears adjacent to the Model Tree.
The top node of the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree represents the entire model and is the part file that is open in the active window.
The following icons appear in the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree:
—Expand the selected branch by one level in the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree.
—Collapse all the branches in the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree.
—Show or hide the contributing features of bodies or quilts in the tree, in addition to boolean and transition features that are always shown. By default, the contribution features are shown in the tree.
—Show a snapshot of the body or quilt geometry that resulted from the selected feature. By default, this option is enabled, and the snapshot of the body or quilt automatically appears in the graphics window.
—Specify the tree options like Tree Visibility, Settings, and Interactions.
—Add columns to display in the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree.
—Show or hide the additional Quilt/Body Evolution Tree columns. The button is available when you add columns to the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree.
Drag and Drop Items
You can drag and drop bodies, quilts, and features from the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree to custom groups in Design Tree or custom groups under Design Items in Model Tree.
When you drag items, where they cannot be dropped, the pointer indicates that the action is not supported by changing the icon to .
When you drag and drop items from Quilt/Body Evolution tree, the items are placed in the custom group, they are not removed from Quilt/Body Evolution tree.
You cannot duplicate items in a custom group.
Search and Filter of the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree Nodes
A search box is available on the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree for the search or filter of the Quilt/Body Evolution nodes.
You can select the Simple Search check box from the list on the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree to hide or show the search box.
You can switch between the filter and the search options that are available adjacent to the search box on the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree.
—Searches for nodes on the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree and highlights the found nodes on the tree without filtering them.
—Filters nodes on the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree and highlights the filtered nodes on the Model Tree. This option is active by default.
Click in the search box to clear queries and their result.
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