About Summary Mode
In summary mode, measurement results are based on the type of selected reference entity. A measurement panel opens showing all the information relevant to a selected reference entity. The Measure dialog box shows the same information.
Summary mode can be used when you select the following reference entities:
• One reference entity
• Two reference entities, for example, to measure the distance or angle between two entities
• Multiple reference entities, for example, to measure the accumulated area or length
• Cone
• Sphere
• Torus
Guidelines for Measuring
You can switch to using only a specific measurement type, for example, length, without leaving the Measure tool. When you switch measurement types, the entities you select remain selected.
You can select different reference entities to measure without leaving the Measure tool.
• Replace the last selected entity by clicking a new entity
• Replace any entity in the Measure dialog box by right-clicking it and choosing Replace, and then selecting an entity to replace it
• Add an additional entity to the selection set by holding down the CTRL key and selecting a new entity
Restrictions for Measuring
You cannot measure the following entities:
• Distance between more than two entities
• Angle between more than two entities