About Propagating Customizations Across Modes
Creo automatically propagates your customization of the user interface elements in a mode to all other modes. The automatic propagation of your customizations across modes occurs at the following levels:
Group — Propagates customization between similar groups. The customizations include the addition, removal, and change in the location of commands and cascades between similar groups. To stop the automatic propagation of these customizations, right-click the group on the Options dialog box, and clear the selection of the Propagate Customization check box.
Tab — Propagates customization between similar tabs. The customizations include addition, removal, and change in the location of commands groups between the tabs and the renaming of tabs. To stop the automatic propagation of these customizations, right-click the tab on the Options dialog box, and clear the selection of the Propagate Customization check box.
Additionally, Creo also propagates the customization related to the following toolbars:
Graphics toolbar — You can customize the visibility of entities. To stop propagating this customization, right-click the Graphics toolbar, and clear the selection of the Propagate Customization check box.
The location and size of the Graphics toolbar is consistent across all modes irrespective of the customization of the user interface elements on the Graphics toolbar. If you are not propagating the customization of the elements on the Graphics toolbar, but have only changes the size and location of the Graphics toolbar in Creo mode, for example, the part mode, the location and size of the Graphics toolbar in all the other Creo modes is the same as its location and size in the Part mode. Any customization of the user interface elements of the Graphics toolbar in Part mode is not propagated to the other modes.
Quick Access toolbar — This propagation is applied to quick access toolbar in all modes. The customization includes the addition and removal of commands, changes in the order of commands, and so on. To stop the automatic propagation of customization, from the Customize list, on the Options dialog box, select Quick Access Toolbar, right-click Design Part on the right pane, and clear the selection of the Propagate Customization check box.
Mini Toolbar — The customization includes addition and removal of commands to the rows of the mini toolbar.
Shortcut Menu — Addition and removal of commands to the subsets Selection Options, Primary, Secondary, Creation, Object Commands, and Properties. To stop propagation, on the graphics window, right-click the relevant group on the shortcut menu and clear the selection of the Propagate Customization check box.
Alternatively, on the Options dialog box, from the left navigation bar, click Customize, select Shortcut Menus, right-click the relevant group on the right and clear the selection of the Propagate Customization check box.
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