About the Measure User Interface
The Measure user interface consists of the Measure dialog box, measurement panels, and shortcut menus. Click > to open the Measure tool.
Measure Dialog Box
• Commands
◦ Summary—Returns all the relevant measurement values for the selected reference entities.
◦ Length—Measures the length of a curve, edge, or perimeter.
◦ Distance—Measures the distance between two reference entities.
◦ Angle—Measures the angle between two reference entities.
◦ Diameter—Measures the diameter of a surface, edge, or curve.
◦ Area—Measures the area of a body, surface, quilt, facet, or model.
◦ Volume—Measures the volume of a body, model, or closed quilt. Measures the volume of a body or model on one side of a designated plane.
◦ Transform—Measures the transformation matrix between two selected coordinate systems.
◦ —Clears all selections from the
Reference collector.
◦ > —Saves the measurement and references as a feature in the Model Tree.
◦ > —Saves the measurement and references in the Save Analysis dialog box to keep the analysis available.
◦ —Expands the
Measure dialog box.
◦ —Collapses the
Measure dialog box.
• Setup
◦ Reference—Shows selected reference entities to measure.
▪ Use as Chain check box—Treats multiple selections of connected curves or edges as one complex object when measuring length. Opens the Chain dialog box.
◦ Options—Switches an option on or off for a reference entity.
▪ Use as Plane check box—Extends the selected surface or plane to infinity in both directions only for the purpose of measuring distance so you can measure normal to that reference entity.
▪ Use as Line check box—Extends the selected straight edge or curve to infinity in both directions only for the purpose of measuring distance so you can measure normal to that reference entity.
▪ Use as Center check box—Measures the distance from the center of a circle or an arc-shaped curve or edge. Clear this option to measure from the edge instead of the center.
▪ Use as Axis check box—Measures the distance from the central axis of the cylindrical surface. Clear this option to measure from the surface instead of the axis.
◦ Projection collector—Shows the reference onto which to project the entities to measure when Summary, Distance, Angle, or Area is selected.
▪ —Projects the measurement onto a view plane that lies along your computer screen.
◦ Coordinate system list—Sets the type of coordinate system when Summary, Distance, Angle, or Area is selected.
◦ Measure maximum distance check box—Measures the maximum distance between the selected reference entities when Distance is selected.
◦ Plane collector—Shows a plane or plane pattern that serves as a boundary for measuring a one-sided volume when Volume is selected.
▪ —Flips the direction of the measurement to the other side of the plane.
◦ Accuracy box—Sets the accuracy for a Volume measurement.
◦ Point collector—Measures the diameter of a surface at the location that you select. Available when Diameter is selected.
◦ Angle—Toggles among the angle types.
▪ Supplement—Supplement of the main angle, 180º minus the main angle
▪ Conjugate—Conjugate of the main angle, 360º minus the main angle
▪ Second Conjugate—Conjugate of the supplementary angle, 360º minus the supplementary angle
◦ Range—Sets the range for updating an angle measurement in a saved analysis or feature if the model is redefined. Available when Angle is selected.
◦ Transform in active model units only check box—Creates the transformation matrix using the units and coordinate system of the active model when Transform is selected.
• Results
◦ —Displays the measurement results in the INFORMATION WINDOW that opens.
◦ —Opens the
Options dialog box.
◦ Reference—Shows the name of the selected reference entity.
◦ Measure—Shows the type of measurement.
◦ Value—Shows the measurement value. Right-click a value to copy it to the clipboard. Right-click the column heading to change the number of decimal places shown.
◦ Units—Shows the units of measurement. Right-click the column heading to change the units.
Measurement Panels
A panel opens next to each selected reference entity. If you select more than one entity, an additional panel with combined information opens.
• Open panel
◦ Header
▪ Object ID—Shows the unique object identifier for the selected reference entity in panels that contain one entity.
▪ —Minimizes the panel to show only an icon attached to each entity.
◦ Information area
Each measurement is shown in a separate row.
▪ Measure—Shows the measurement type.
▪ Values—Lists the value for the measurement type. You can copy and paste the value or drag it into place.
▪ Units—Shows the units of measurement.
• Closed panel
◦ —Expands a measurement panel that is minimized.
Shortcut Menus
• Right-click the graphics window to access shortcut menu commands.
◦ References—Activates the Reference collector.
◦ Projection—Activates the Projection collector when Summary, Distance, Angle, or Area is selected.
◦ > —Measures all measurement types for the selected entities.
◦ > —Measures the length of a curve, edge, or perimeter.
◦ > —Measures the distance between two entities.
◦ > —Measures the angle between two entities.
◦ > —Measures the diameter of a surface.
◦ > —Measures the area of a surface, quilt, facet, body, or model.
◦ > —Measures the volume of a body, model or closed quilt. Measures the volume of a body or model on one side of a designated plane.
◦ > —Produces a transformation matrix based on two selected coordinate systems.
◦ Clear—Clears all the selected entities from all the collectors.
◦ Expand Notes—Expands any minimized measurement panels in the graphics window.
◦ Collapse Notes—Collapses all the measurement panels in the graphics window.