About Feature Creation Preview
When you enter the feature creation user-interface, Creo Parametric displays the feature in the graphics window and provides a preview of the geometry that you are defining. Preview allows you to better understand the geometry you are adding to your model as you construct features. In preview mode you can edit references, change attributes, and modify dimensions. For sketch-based features, you can drag the sketch entities and modify the sketch dimensions. The following three types of preview options are available:
• No Preview
• Un-attached preview — Dynamic un-attached preview is light-weight and displays the outline of the geometry you are defining. It is quick enough to allow working with draggers.
• Attached preview (default)—Dynamic attached preview displays the real-time preview of the complete geometry you are defining. It is similar to the geometry as you would see after clicking
| • If the feature fails, the system switches to No Preview mode. In this case, use Verify mode to obtain diagnostics and recommended actions from the troubleshooter. • In some cases, to improve performance, the system temporarily switches to Un-attached mode. |
Both dynamic preview modes provide visual feedback on the ability to create the geometry. If the system cannot create the geometry, there is no preview and this indicates a definition problem.
Examples of the Different types of Preview
Round Feature
No Preview | Dynamic Un-attached Preview | Dynamic Attached Preview |
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Hole Feature
No Preview | Dynamic Un-attached Preview | Dynamic Attached Preview |
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