Using the Model Player
To open the Model Player dialog box, click > .
• You can select one of the following commands for controlling feature regeneration and display:
◦ Regenerate features—Regenerates each feature in sequence, starting from the specified feature, as the model moves forward. If this box is cleared, features will be rolled forward without regenerating. If you have made changes to the model without regenerating, the command is checked and unavailable.
◦ Display each feature—Displays each feature in the Graphics window as it is being regenerated or rolled forward. Future features are not displayed until they are regenerated. If this box is cleared, the entire display is updated only when the desired feature is reached and the model playback is complete, or when you stop model playback.
◦ Compute CL—(Available in Manufacturing mode only) When selected, the CL data is recalculated for each NC sequence during regeneration. If cleared, no CL data is calculated during regeneration.
• Select one of the following commands to select the place (feature) in the model creation history at which to start the regeneration process:
—Moves immediately to the beginning of the model (suppresses all features). Use
to step through the features one at a time.
—Moves immediately to the end of the model (resume all features). Use
to step through the features one at a time.
—Steps backward through the model one feature at a time and regenerates the preceding feature in the model.
—Steps forward through the model one feature at a time and regenerates the next feature in the model.
Slider Bar—Drags the slider handle to the first feature at which you want model playback to begin. The features are highlighted in the Graphics window as you move through their position with the slider handle. The feature number and type are displayed in the selection panel (such as #16 (CHAMFER)), and the feature number is displayed in the Feat # box. When you release the slider, the model immediately rolls or regenerates to that feature.
—Lets you select a starting feature from the graphics window or the Model Tree. Opens the SELECT dialog box and SELECT FEAT menu. After you select a starting feature, its number and ID are displayed in the selection panel, and the feature number is displayed in the Feat # box. When you select a feature, the model immediately rolls or regenerates to that feature.
Feat #—Lets you specify a starting feature by typing the feature number in the box. After you enter the feature number, the model immediately rolls or regenerates to that feature. Use
to step backward or forward through the playback one feature at a time.
The feature you specify becomes the starting feature, and all features that occur after it are suppressed.
• To stop playback, click the Stop button.
• You can use the following commands to obtain information about the current feature (the feature that was currently regenerated when you stopped the model playback process):
◦ Show Dims—Displays the dimensions of the current feature.
◦ Feat Info—Provides regular feature information about the current feature in an Information window.
◦ Geom Check—Investigates the geometry error for the current feature. This command is accessible only when the system encounters a geometry error.
◦ Fix Model—Activates Resolve mode by forcing the current feature to abort regeneration. When you exit Resolve mode, Creo Parametric returns to the Model Player at the current feature. You can then continue to move backward or forward through the model.
◦ Close—Closes the Model Player and enters Insert mode at the current feature (the last regenerated feature). You can choose this command anytime during the model playback.
◦ Finish—Closes the Model Player and returns to the last feature in the model. Creo Parametric restores all features. You can choose this command anytime during model playback.
If a feature is one that intersects any other feature on the part, the system displays the geometry of the feature in red wireframe before intersection.