To Suppress and Resume Features
1. Right-click the feature in the Model Tree. The shortcut menu appears.
2. Click Suppress.
3. Click Resume to return the features to the model.
If suppressed features are hidden in the Model Tree, click , the Tree Filters dialog box opens. In General tab, under Items by State, select the Suppressed checkbox.
When you select a combination of suppressed and not suppressed features, both Suppress and Resume commands become available on the mini toolbar and in the Operations group (Model > Operations).
When you select a combination of features that are suppressed and not suppressed, and you select Suppress, all the features that are already suppressed are ignored. However, the features that are not suppressed are suppressed.
When you select a combination of features that are suppressed and not suppressed, and you select Resume, all the features that are already not suppressed are ignored. However, the features that are suppressed are resumed.
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