To Display and Select Items in the Layer Tree
Use the following commands in the Layer Tree to display and select items:
• Highlight Geometry—When selected, items in the Layer Tree are highlighted in red in the graphics window. The setting is remembered in the session independently for 3D modes and in Drawing mode. That is, settings do not return to the default, so that when you open the dialog box again, the Highlight setting is the same as it was the last time the dialog box was closed.
• Find—Search for layers containing or controlling specific items.
• All Submodel Layers—Shows layers in the active object and all associated submodels.
• Submodels Layers if in Active Model—Shows active object layers in all the associated submodels.
• No Submodel Layers—Shows layers in the active object only.
• Layer Items—Shows all layer items in the Layer Tree.
• Items on Nested Layers—Shows items of nested layers in the Layer Tree.