To Search for Notes Attached to All Features
1. In the Navigation pane, click
and then click
Tree Filters. The
Model Tree Items dialog box opens.
2. On the left, select the Annotations check box and click Apply and OK.
3. Click > . The Search Tool dialog box opens.
4. In the Look for list, select Note.
5. In the Look by list, select Feature.
6. Click History.
7. Under Rule, select All.
8. Click Find Now. All annotation notes appear in the items found section. The notes are highlighted in the Model Tree and the graphics window.
9. To select items, click
to transfer items from
items found to
items selected.
Example of Searching for Notes Attached to a Specific Feature
To search for annotation notes attached to a specific feature, such as a hole, follow the steps below:
1. Click Attributes.
2. Under Rule, select Type.
3. Under Criteria, in the Value box, select Hole.
4. Click Find Now. All notes attached to a hole feature appear in the items found section. They are highlighted in the Model Tree and the graphics window.
5. Click Close.