To Search for Annotation Element by Layers
1. Click > . The Search Tool dialog box opens.
2. Click Annotation Element from the Look for list.
3. Click Feature from the Look by list.
4. In the Rule section, click Type.
5. Click Attributes tab.
6. Select the criteria for the annotation element type.
7. Click > . The Query Builder dialog box opens.
8. Click Add New. The query string is added to the Rule Description column.
To create the second rule:
1. Click Status.
2. In the Rule section, click Layer.
3. Select Included or Not included from the Comparison list to specify if you want to find annotations included or excluded from layers.
4. Click Add New. The query string is added to the Rule Description column.
5. Click Operator and select and from the operator list.
6. Click Find Now. The found items and corresponding locations are listed in the items found section of the Search Tool dialog box. The results are also highlighted in the Model Tree and graphics window.
7. To select items, click
to transfer items from
items found to the
items selected section of the
Search Tool dialog box.
8. Click Close.