To Perform a Single-Condition Search in a Family Table
1. In the
Family Table dialog box, click > , or click
. The
Search dialog box opens.
2. From the Type list, select an information type, and then select corresponding values from the Value list. For predefined information types, predetermined items appear in the Value list on the right. Refine your criteria by selecting = (equals) or != (does not equal).
| The parameter Expression refers to an expression that will be searched for in the parameter list. |
3. Click Add to add the current definition of the criteria to the list of search criteria at the bottom of the dialog box.
4. Click Find to perform the search. Beginning from the top of the Family Table (or the current cell if one is selected), the search engine moves to the next item that meets the search criteria. Continue clicking Find to move to the next found item.
5. To remove a search condition and use a different one, select the condition in the list of search criteria and click Remove. The condition clears and a new condition can be used.
6. To alter a condition, select a condition and click Change. You can then redefine, as outlined in Steps 2 and 3.
7. Click Close when finished searching.