To Move Features to the Regeneration Footer
You can move the features that are created by default in the active list (in the Model Tree above the Insert Here node) to the Regeneration Footer. These features include the Analysis features, Publish Geometry features, Reference feature, Annotation features.
An Interface Feature is created in the footer by default.
1. Right-click the feature that you want to move. The shortcut menu appears.
2. Click Move to footer.
You can move the feature types mentioned above from the active list to the Regeneration Footer or from the Regeneration Footer feature list back to the active list.
1. Right-click the feature that you want to move. The shortcut menu appears.
2. Click Move from footer.
By default, zones are created in the Regeneration Footer feature list. But, for legacy parts that were created in versions before Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0, you must use Move to footer to move the zones to the Regeneration Footer feature list.
You cannot move zones from the Regeneration Footer feature list to the active list.