To Create a Textured Appearance
1. On the
View tab, click the arrow below
Appearances. The appearance gallery opens.
2. To create a new appearance, right click on an appearance and select New. The Appearance Editor dialog box opens with a copy of the selected appearance. The appearance gallery closes. A number is added as a suffix to the name of the selected appearance. For example, if an appearance with the name ptc-plastic was selected, the new appearance has the name ptc-plastic1.
Alternatively, click More Appearances. The Appearance Editor dialog box opens with a copy of the default appearance. The name of the new appearance is ref-color-n, where n is the next available number.
Alternatively, modify an appearance in the active model by selecting the required appearance from the Model palette. Right click and select Edit or click Edit Model Appearances. The Model Appearance Editor dialog box opens.
3. If required, change the Name, Keyword and Description.
4. If required, in the Properties tab, change the Class and Sub Class for the appearance.
5. Modify the properties using sliders and boxes based on the Class and Sub Class that you select.
6. If required, create a color for this appearance. Click the swatch besides Color to open the Color Editor dialog box. Usually, a color is required to define an appearance when you are using bump maps and decals, for which the color is below the texture. Color textures typically cover an entire surface or part. Therefore, they override any underlying basic color.
7. On the
Bump, or
Decal tab, click the swatch to specify the image to be used for the respective map. See
Map Appearance Options for details.
8. On the Bump tab, you can choose the type of texture from Rough, Cast, Cellular, Image, or Procedural Image.
9. Change the bump Height and Scale as needed.
10. Click Close to finish defining the appearance. The Appearances icon updates to display the new appearance. The Select dialog box opens.
11. Select the surface to which you want to apply this new appearance and click OK in the Select dialog box.
When you edit a model appearance, the changes to the appearance are dynamically updated on the model.