To Create a Multi-Level Family Table
You can create a Family Table from a selected instance in an existing Family Table. The selected instance becomes the generic in the new Family Table.
1. Open a model that contains a Family Table.
2. Click > . The Family Table dialog box opens.
3. Select the instance you want to use to create the new Family Table.
4. Click > . A new Family Table is created. The selected instance becomes the generic of the new table.
5. Immediately add instance rows and columns to the new Family Table. If you click OK to close the Family Table without having created instance rows or columns, the table creation is cancelled.
6. Click OK when you are done creating the new Family Table. The system closes all Family Tables that were open at the time you created the new table.
7. To see how your original (top-level) Family Table was modified, reopen the Family Table dialog box. The instance upon which the new Family Table is based contains a folder icon in the Type column of its instance row.