Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The File Menu > Creating Files > To Copy into an Empty Part or Assembly
To Copy into an Empty Part or Assembly
Use Copy From to import a part or assembly, including the geometry and features, into the active, empty, part or assembly. You can copy a part, only into a part, and an assembly, only into an assembly. The target part or assembly must not have a default template.
1. Click on the Quick Access toolbar or click File > New. The New dialog box opens.
2. Clear Use default template.
3. Select Part and click OK. The New File Options dialog box opens.
4. In the Template section of the dialog box, select Empty and click OK. The Creo Parametric window is displayed. A part appears in the Model Tree.
5. Click Model > Get Data > Copy From. The Choose template dialog box opens.
6. Select the part that you want to copy and click Open. The part is displayed in the Creo Parametric graphics window. The message All existing parameters and layer information will be lost when the component is filled appears. This message refers to the parameters and layer information in the target (empty) part.
When using the Copy From command:
The part you are copying from cannot have external dependencies, such as a Merge feature.
The assembly you are copying from cannot have external dependencies, such as components.
No family table information is copied.
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