To Add or Remove Toolbars
Using the Toolbars tabbed page in the Customize dialog box, you can add entire toolbars to or remove them from the Creo Parametric user interface.
1. Click > . The Customize dialog box opens.
2. Click the Toolbars tab.
3. To remove a toolbar from the display, clear its check box. Click OK to close the dialog box.
4. To add a toolbar, select a toolbar name, for example, Datum Display.
5. Specify the position of the toolbar by selecting Top, Left, or Right in the position list (to the right of the toolbar name).
The system moves all the buttons currently in the selected toolbar to their specified positions. For example, if you specify Right for the View toolbar, the system moves the Repaint, Zoom, and other buttons in the View toolbar to the right side of the window.
6. To save the new settings in the file, take one of the following actions in the Customize dialog box:
Click the Automatically save to check box (selected by default). Then, either accept the default file name, type a new file name, or navigate to the file in which you want to save the settings.
Click > . In the Save Window Config Settings dialog box, you can accept the default file name and path, or you can type a new file name or navigate to the file in which you want to save the new settings. Path names can contain up to 260 characters.
7. Click OK to close the Customize dialog box and accept your changes.