Syntax for Creating a Restriction Definition File
A restriction definition parameter file has the following format:
ND_ParamDefArr_K01 = {
[, ...]
[, ...]—Optional continuation of the list.
Format for <definition> is:
Name = <name>
Type = <type> [<quantity type>]
[Default = <value>]
[Range = <range> | Enum = <enum>]
All data in brackets [] are optional. The vertical bar | indicates a choice between two or more variants.
<name>—Any valid name of a Creo Parametric parameter.
<type>—Uses the following format:
integer | real | string | boolean
<quantity type>—Either a name of any supported by Creo Parametric basic quantity types (physical dimensions), for example, Length or Force, or an expression composed from such names with operations of multiplication (*), division (/), or power (^).
Format for <value> is:
<value_int> | <value_real> | <value_string> | <value_boolean>
<value_int>—An integer.
<value_real>—Any real number valid in Creo Parametric relations, optionally followed by a <unit>.
<value_string>—Any string enclosed by single quotes.
A quote in a string must be presented by “.
<value_boolean>—True | False.
<unit>—Either a name of any supported by Creo Parametric measurement unit (for example, mm, lb, or N) or an expression composed from such names with operations of multiplication (*), division (/). Units of all values must match the quantity type of a parameter definition in which they occur as default or restricted values.
Format for <range> is:
[<value>,<value> | <value>, | ,<value>]
variant <value>,—A range with a minimum limit only.
variant ,<value>—A range with a maximum limit only.
Use[] or () to define the range:
[]—The corresponding minimum or maximum value is included in the range.
()—The corresponding minimum or maximum value is excluded from the range.
Format for <enum> is:
[, ...]
Format for <access> is:
full | limited | locked
full—Indicates full access user-defined parameters that can be modified anywhere.
limited—Indicates parameters cannot be modified by a relation. Restricted parameters can be modified only by Family Tables and Program.
locked—Indicates parameters were created by an external application (Data Management System, Analysis features, relations, Program, or Family Tables). Locked parameters can be modified only from within the external application.
• Spaces and new lines are optional. They are allowed everywhere with the exception of keywords and values.
• Comments starting with either // or '/* and ending with a new line are allowed at any place of the file.