Setting Plotting Resolution
You can improve the resolution of plotting using one of the following sampling types. These sampling types are available in the dialog box that opens for analyzing an offset curve, offset surface, cross sections of a surface, shaded curvature of a surface, shadow, curvature of a curve or edge, curvature of surface, slope of a surface, dihedral angle for an edge or curve, and draft check analysis.
Quality—The quality of the plot is based on the number of sample points. Creo Parametric performs the analysis for the number of samples that you specify as a value for Quality. Specify a higher value for Quality when you want the quality of the plot to be high. The percentage quality of the plot ranges from 0 through 100. Quality is the default.
Specifying a higher value for Quality may increase the time taken for the analysis.
Number—Indicates the number of samples on the curve or surface for which you are performing the analysis. The number of samples must always be greater than 1. A higher number of samples uses more sampling points, which in turn improves the accuracy of the analysis.
Step—The distance between two sample points that you have specified for performing the analysis. This value increments the distance between the sample points by one step. This value must always be greater than 0.001. A lesser step value increases the accuracy of the plot.
You can change these values using the thumbwheel or the slider.
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