annotation orientation
Refers to a plane or a parallel plane in which the annotation lies, the viewing direction, and the right direction or text rotation.
annotation plane
A datum plane that defines the orientation of the annotation item with respect to the 3D model. The annotation item is not actually placed on the Annotation plane, but on an imaginary plane parallel to the Annotation plane, and facing in the direction of the front of the Annotation plane. The actual location of this imaginary plane with respect to the model is determined by the first selected attachment for the annotation.
A series of multiple edges or curves that you can connect by a common vertex or by tangency.
An object, such as a part or a feature, that is dependent on another object for its existence.
The process of removing portions of lines or surfaces that reside outside the view volume.
clipping plane
A trimming plane. Objects or parts of an object are visible on one side of the plane, while invisible on the other side.
closed loop
The condition required for a group of edges to form a face (surface) on an object. The edges must be connected end to end, forming a continuous path around the perimeter of the face.
An interface tool for collecting single or multiple references when defining geometry.
cross section
The section of an objection as it would appear if cut through by an intersecting plane.
A context-sensitive area at the bottom of the Creo Parametric window that guides you through the modeling process. As you select geometry in the graphics window and set your preferences, the dashboard narrows your available options, so you make only targeted modeling decisions. The dashboard consists of the dialog bar, panels, message area, and the control area.
Datums are features without geometry which are displayed in the Model Tree. You can create datums as points, curves, lines, planes, coordinate systems and use them for placing components or dimensioning.
dimension bound
When you design a model, you expect the actual part dimensions to be within certain predetermined limits of size. In Creo Parametric, these limits of size, that is, upper and lower dimension boundaries, are defined as "Dimension Bounds."
dimension line
A thin, solid line that shows the extent and direction of a dimension. Dimension lines are paired with the number representing the physical size of the feature, and extension lines are used to associate the dimension to the corresponding feature on the drawing.
dimension witness line
Thin, solid lines that extend dimensions beyond the outline of a view so that you can read the dimensions easily. These lines are perpendicular to the dimension line, that is, the dimension leader arrows, and indicate which feature is associated with the dimension.
Double Dimensions
Double dimensions report a dimension value that is twice the measured value.
driven dimension
Dimensions in a drawing file derived from the 3D model. Driven dimensions reflect changes to part or assembly geometry, but you cannot modify their values in the drawing. The association is one-way; from the model to the drawing.
driving dimension
A dimension that when modified in the drawing is also modified in the 3D model from which it originated.
dynamic preview
A high-quality preview of geometry that dynamically simulates the result of direction manipulation of the model.
Generically refers to a planar surface of a geometric model, or a specific side of a geometric model which is oriented in a particular direction. For example, a machining tool or a viewer.
Family Tables
A collection of parts (or assemblies or features) that are essentially similar, but deviate slightly in one or two aspects, such as size or detail features. For example, wood screws come in various sizes, but they all look alike and perform the same function. Thus, it is useful to think of them as a family of parts. Parts in Family Tables are also known as table-driven parts.
Any self-contained set of elements that can be defined and stored with the model and which has an impact on the geometry. A feature can be physical (hole, draft), procedural (for example, machining strategy in Expert Machinist), or computational (analysis). Features are listed on the Model Tree.
generic model
The lead model that owns a family table, consisting of columns of table items (dimensions, feature, and so on) for which each member of the family may have a differing value.
graphics area
The portion of the Creo Parametric window used to display the model.
An instance of an object, is the same as an exact duplicate of the object. An instance is really an object that shares the exact same properties as the original. It will always stay the same as the original regardless of what changes are made to the original.
instance accelerator file
A special file containing saved instances of a part or assembly, that helps reduce the time required to retrieve an instance of a part or assembly from disk by eliminating the need to first retrieve the generic into memory, selecting the instance according to the family table, and then regenerating. Instant accelerator files that store part instances are saved as instancename.xpr and that store assembly instances are saved as instancename.xas.
User-defined logical subdivisions of data in a CAD/CAM database that may be viewed on the graphics screen individually or overlaid and viewed in groups.
Functionality allowing for the creation of a 2D notebook that contains conceptual sketches to begin the design process and maintain design intent.
A geometric element that connects two points in space. Although a line itself is 2D in nature, it may connect points in 3D space. Lines are typically classified as either straight (linear) or curved. Lines are the most prominent element in technical drawings, defining edges of objects, indicating symmetry, relating text elements to geometric elements, creating borders, and so on.
locked instance
An instance that cannot be deleted or modified.
A closed chain of edges on a part surface. For example, the contour of a hole or slot.
Duplicate by symmetry about an axis.
Model Tree
A Model Tree is a list of every feature in a part file including the datums and coordinate system. Creo Parametric displays the model structure in a hierarchical tree format with the current part or assembly as root object at the top of the tree. The subordinate parts or features are displayed below the root object.
pan/zoom state
The state in which you can change the position of or enlarge the model to view more details.
A term used to classify curves for which the path is described by a mathematical function rather than a set of coordinates. A parameter within the function (often specified as u or v) is varied from 0 to 1 to define all the coordinate points along the curve.
An item in a model that has other items (children) dependent upon it for dimensions or shapes. If a parent is deleted, all dependent items (children) are deleted as well. See child.
parent/child relationship
An association between the instances of one or more entity types in which one entity is dependent on the other. The entity that is dependent on the other is called the child entity while the entity on which the other entity depends is called the parent entity. The association between the parent entity and the child entity is called a parent/child relationship.
Having a flat, two-dimensional characteristic.
A region of space defined by a minimum of three noncoincident points in space. For the simplest type of plane surface, all points can be described by two coordinate axes; that is, the plane has no curvature.
reference dimension
A reference dimension is a calculated size used to show the intended design size of a part. A numerical value, enclosed in parentheses, provided for information only and not used in the fabrication of the part. Drawings made to older standards may use REF placed next to a reference dimension, instead of using parentheses.
Restore, as in function or nature, to a former or original state.
Security Marking
Security markings are permanently displayed markings on the model. These markings are not obscured by the model and are visible regardless of the layer state, combined state, or visibility state of the model. You can designate notes and symbols that are flat-to-screen, standalone, and unattached, as security markings.
3D volume that is filled with material. Not interrupted by a break. For example, a continuous line.
solid geometry
The geometry of 3D objects, such as cylinders, cubes, and spheres, and their relationships.
Family Tables are collections of parts, assemblies, or features that are essentially similar, but deviate slightly in one or two aspects, such as size or detail features. These parts in Family Tables are known as table-driven.
tangent edge
A tangent edge is the intersection at which two surfaces become tangent.
target model
A model to which data that is measured or generated from the source model is to be sent.
tolerance stack-up
The cumulative tolerance that occurs when Creo Parametric uses a series of dimensions with tolerances to dimension a certain feature in a part or an assembly member.
The course of the tool and the table motion consisting of straight lines and circular arcs.
To move an object in a linear fashion.