About User-Defined Feature Family Tables
User-defined feature (UDF) Family Tables differ slightly from part or assembly tables. The following restrictions apply when working with UDF Family Tables:
• You can not retrieve instances of a UDF by themselves unless you are placing the UDF on a part. In that case, when you select the UDF generic name, the Select Instance dialog box opens. You can then select an instance to use.
• You can create a UDF Family Table at the time you define or modify the UDF, using the definition dialog box for the new UDF.
• You cannot retrieve a UDF instance into a separate window.
• You cannot verify a UDF instance.
• When you place a UDF defined with a Family Table, any suppressed features in the UDF instance are not placed on the part. These features are in effect deleted as the UDF group is placed.
• When you place a legacy UDF having local groups and a Family Table defined in it, the geometry may differ if the Family Table contains group members in the item list.To avoid this, update the Family Table to remove the suppressed members of the group from the Family Table items list. You can then add the group header as a new column.
In Wildfire 4.0, you can suppress individual group members without suppressing the entire group. You can place the UDF instance such that only the specified member of a given group is suppressed.