Fundamentals > User Interface Basics > About Undoing and Redoing Actions
About Undoing and Redoing Actions
The undo and redo commands are available for many actions in Creo Parametric. When working in a feature tool, you can undo and redo actions performed during the feature definition session. After you create a feature, save changes, and close the tool, you can undo the feature as one item. For example, when working in the Creo Parametric graphics window, you can undo dimensions as many times as you change them. Specific undo and redo commands appear on the Quick Access toolbar and as tool tips, so you can confirm the desired action. The general_undo_stack_limit configuration option controls the number of times you can undo or redo actions. The default and maximum is 50.
The undo and redo functionality requires additional memory allocation and may result in some change in performance.
What Actions Support Undo and Redo?
The undo and redo functionality is supported for actions that you perform while working in Standard part, Sheetmetal, Assembly, Welding, Sketcher, and Drawing modes.
Undo and redo actions are session- and window-based. The actions are sequentially stacked in memory. You can undo and redo most of the operations performed on a model. These include key feature operations such as:
Creating and deleting
Redefining (excluding redefinition of inheritance or features from a copy by reference)
Suppressing and resuming
Creating and deleting patterns
Grouping and ungrouping
Rerouting (excluding replace reference)
Creating and changing relations and parameters
Family tables, visible or invisible instances of a family table in a session
Data Sharing Features
Interface features and Facet features
Simplified Representations (You can undo operations performed in simplified representation but not the operations of creating or modifying simplified representations).
How to Use the Undo and Redo Commands
Click to undo or to redo.
Press CTRL+Z to undo or CTRL+Y to redo.
Undo and Redo Command Considerations
For actions that cannot be undone, one of the following occurs:
You can undo prior actions for commands such as Model > Regenerate. For example, you cannot undo Model > Regenerate, but you can undo actions prior to Model > Regenerate until the stack is not cleared.
Some commands clear the Undo/Redo stack, in which case you cannot perform an undo operation. For example, clicking File > Manage Session > Erase Current > Yes clears the stack.
You cannot undo actions prior to commands such as Model > Get Data > Independent Geometry. However, you can undo the Model > Get Data > Independent Geometry command.
When you activate a part in assembly mode and modify the part, you can undo only those changes that are made to the part. However, you cannot undo the action of activating the part.
Within Sketcher, the sketcher_undo_stack_limit configuration option controls the number of times you can undo or redo operations. The default is 200 and the maximum is 500.
In the Style tool, you can perform any number of undo or redo operations.
When fixing a model, you can only use Undo Changes on the Fix Model menu. General undo and redo functionality is not available. The Undo/Redo stack is cleared when you fix the model using Fix Model > Undo Changes.
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