About Model Analysis
Use Analysis tab to analyze model properties. You can perform analysis operation on assemblies, parts, and bodies.
You can select a construction body and perform different analysis operations on it. However, when you perform analysis operations on an assembly or a part, construction bodies are ignored.
You can perform the following types of model analysis:
Mass Properties—Computes mass properties for a quilt, body, part, assembly, or drawing. The Assembly Mass Properties type of analysis is available in Assembly mode and assembly drawing while the Model Mass Properties type is available in thePart and Drawing modes.
X-Section Mass Properties—Computes the mass properties for a cross section.
Pairs Clearance—Computes the clearance distance or interference between two objects or entities (any combination of bodies, subassemblies, parts, surfaces, cables, or entities) in a model. The Pairs Clearance type of analysis is available in the Part, Assembly, Piping, and Drawing modes.
Exploded views in Assembly are cosmetic and have no effect on clearance computations.
Global Clearance—Computes the clearance between each body, part or subassembly of a model. The Global Clearance type of analysis is available in the Assembly, Piping, and Drawing modes.
Exploded views in Assembly are cosmetic and have no effect on clearance computations.
Volume Interference—Verifies that the selected closed quilt has nothing interfering with it. The Volume Interference type of analysis is available in Part, Assembly, and Drawing modes.
Volume interference checking is used in ECAD to ensure that keepin or keepout areas are not violated.
Global Interference—Displays information (in a drawing or assembly) about interference between bodies, part, or subassembly in a model. The Global Interference type of analysis is available in the Part, Assembly and Drawing modes.
Short Edge—Computes the length of the shortest edge in a selected part or component and also determines how many edges in the model are shorter than the specified length. The Short Edge Type analysis is available in thePart and Assembly modes.
Edge Type—Determines the type of geometry used to create the selected edge. The Edge Type analysis is available in the Part, Assembly, and Drawing modes.
Thickness—Checks whether the thickness of a body or part is greater than a maximum value or less than a minimum value or both and calculates the area for thickness check. The Thickness type of analysis is available in the Part and Assembly modes.
For clearance and interference checks, the accuracy of the calculation is determined by part accuracy. The accuracy of a clearance measurement or interference volume is controlled by the measure_sig_figures configuration option.
If the selected objects do not interfere, the minimum clearance appears graphically as a red line. A small red circle with a crosshair appears at each end of the line to identify the location at which the clearance is being measured. The clearance value appears in the message window. If there is an interference between the selected objects, Creo Parametric highlights the volume of interference and the curve or point of intersection in the graphics window, as appropriate for the selected items.
Exploded views are only cosmetic and have no effect on clearance computations. The displayed results in such cases correspond to an unexploded model.
Adding a feature or creating a saved analysis is not possible in the Drawing mode.
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