Fundamentals > Working with the Model > Model Tree > Basic Model Tree > Model Tree Display > About Adding Information to the Model Tree
About Adding Information to the Model Tree
You can add informational columns to the Model Tree window, such as columns containing parameters and values, assigned layers, or feature name for each item. You can use the cells in the columns to perform context-sensitive edits and deletions. The following types of information can be added:
Info—Use this option to add information, including Status, Feat #, Feat ID, Feat Type, Feat Name, Copied Refs, Model Size, Feat Subtype and Designate Name.
Model Params—Use this option to display any established parameters that affect an entire model. You can also define new model parameters using this option.
Database Params—Use this option to view local, Windchill database parameters.
Feat Params—Use this option to create feature parameters in the Model Tree. You can also display the existing parameters by specifying the existing parameter name in the Name field.
Body Params—Use this option to create body parameters in the Model Tree. You can also display the existing parameters by specifying the existing parameter name in the Name field.
Annotation Elem Params—Use this option to create annotation element parameters in the Model Tree. You can also display the existing parameters by specifying the existing parameter name in the Name field.
Simplified Reps—Use this option to view simplified representations in the current assembly.
Ext. Simp. Rep—Use this option to view external simplified representations in the current assembly.
Display Styles—Display Style, DEFAULT
Layer—Use this option to display layer status and name of each layer in the current model.
Note—Use this option to display information about notes, including Note ID, First Line, Note Display, any URL that has been assigned to the note, and Note Type.
Cable Info—Use this option to set and display default Cabling information such as Designation, Diameter, Logical From, Logical To, Physical From, Physical To and Length.
Cabling Params—This option allows you to enter and display user-defined cable parameters.
ECAD Params—Use this option to display parameters specifically associated with ECAD parts and features. For more information on the specific parameters you can add, refer to the Help on ECAD.
Reference Control—Use this option to display the references that are set to your current model. You can also choose to display shared model references.
Mass Properties Params—Use this option to display the Mass Properties in your model. If no properties are assigned, you can type them into a drop-down list box. If more than one property is assigned, you can select from them a drop-down list box.
Zones—(Assembly mode only) Use this option to display components inside the zone in the current assembly.
To access the Model Tree Columns dialog box, click on the Model Tree.
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