About Working with SMARTHolechart
Working in Drawing Mode
Click SHC to access the commands in the SMARTHolechart group as described below:
• –Generate a table. The same tool is used to update existing tables for single views.
• —Create an intersection table
• —Update all tables on the current drawing
• —Delete an existing table created with SMARTHolechart
Tables can only be created on a drawing. Each SMARTHolechart table is related to one coordinate system and one view. The coordinate system is used to calculate the position and the orientation of the hole. For each drawing view only one coordinate system can be selected as position reference.
In the Drawing Management group you find commands to manage the notes and the tables on the drawing.
In the Exclude Geometry group you find commands to manage the exclusion of geometry.
Working in Part or Assembly Mode
In a part or in an assembly the SMARTHolechart information can only be exported to an ASCII file. Click > to start the evaluation.
In the Exclude Geometry group you find commands to manage the exclusion of geometry.
Configuring SMARTHolechart
SMARTHolechart comes with a default configuration. You can change the configuration to suit your needs.