Expert Moldbase Extension
Expert Moldbase Extension
With Expert Moldbase Extension (EMX) you can standardize and automate a large part of your design tasks for injection molding tools. EMX allows you to integrate standard part libraries from all common manufacturers, providing numerous intelligent templates. You can handle tasks in the areas of tool design and standard part installation quickly and with increased flexibly The extensive analysis tool provides automatically derived results, useful for designers of all levels. The Expert Moldbase supports transferring the design data to the production area, both in the classic drawing derivation and in the digital and drawing-free transfer of the product and manufacturing information (PMI).
Use the Expert Mold Base design Help to learn about the workflow of moldbase projects, Mold Base assembly, handling Mold Base components and the extensive analysis tools. In addition, learn about the SMARTHolechart tool, creating tables, drawing management, and working with geometry.
Expert Moldbase Extension Modules
Expert Moldbase Extension (EMX)
Smart Hole Chart (SHC)
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