Detailed Drawings > Annotating the Drawing > Working with Datums > To Modify the Attachment Point or Reference of a Datum Feature Symbol
To Modify the Attachment Point or Reference of a Datum Feature Symbol
You can modify the attachment point of the leader of the datum feature symbol, or change the reference and position of the datum feature symbol.
To modify the attachment point,
1. Select the leader of the datum feature symbol.
2. As you hover over the leader, right-click, and select the Edit Attachment option on short-cut menu.
3. Select a geometry, an axis, a datum, a curve, a vertex, or a point on a surface to specify the new attachment point.
The leader appears attached to the newly selected point. You can continue to select the new attachment point.
4. Middle-click to place the leader of the selected datum feature symbol at the new attachment point.
To change the reference of the datum feature symbol,
1. Select the datum feature symbol for which you want to change the reference. The datum feature symbol appears highlighted.
2. Right-click, and select the Change Placement option on the short-cut menu. The datum feature symbol appears attached to the cursor, and move along as you move the cursor.
3. Select a geometry, dimension, GTOL, witness line, datum point, vertex, curve, or a point on the surface to specify the new reference.
The Datum feature appears attached to the newly selected reference. You can drag to adjust its leader length.
4. Middle-click to place the datum feature symbol with new reference.
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