Detailed Drawings > Improving Performance with Representations > To Create a Drawing Rep for the Current Drawing
To Create a Drawing Rep for the Current Drawing
1. Click Tools > Utilities > Drawing Representation. The DRAWING REP Menu Manager opens.
2. Click Create. The Drawing Representation Tool dialog box opens with the View display page visible. The dialog box automatically fills in the appropriate commands and updates the selections to the current state of the drawing. The current commands are displayed in the command list area.
The View display page can be used to configure view display.
3. In the Drawing Representation Tool dialog box, type a drawing representation name in the Name box or use the default.
4. In the Command definition area of the dialog box, select Display or Erase to change the view display:
Display—Turns on the display of specified drawing views
Erase—Turns off the display of drawing views
An erased view is replaced by a green outline containing the name of the view. To prevent erased views from being highlighted, set the configuration option highlight_erased_dwg_views to No.
You can switch between Display and Erase as you specify cumulative commands.
5. Change the selection of views:
Select All to select all the views in the current drawing.
Select Individual to specify a particular view in the current drawing. The selection tool is automatically activated, and the GET SELECT menu appears, allowing you to select an on screen view. You can use Navigate sheets to navigate to select a view on another sheet. When you select a view, its name appears in the box.
Select Sheet to specify the sheet(s) on which to apply the commands. Type the sheet numbers in the sheet box. Enter a sheet number or multiple numbers separated by a comma (1,3), or specify a range (5-12).
Specify views of a particular type by selecting Type, and then select a view name from the Type list.
The Type list includes the most frequently used view types:
You can select more than one type in any applicable combination to refine the selection. For example, select Projection to select all projection views; then select X-section to specify only cross-sectional projection views.
Select Individual to select an unlisted view type such as Graph, Revolved, or Of Flat Ply.
Select Model to select all views associated with the specified drawing model. Click the selection tool and select a drawing model from the list of available models (models belonging to the current drawing).
6. Each command that you define is listed in the command list area. When a rep is executed, all the commands are performed in sequential order, as they were entered. Control the command list as follows:
After you select an option to configure the drawing, click Add to add the command to the command list. Add has the same effect as Execute unless the Delay view command(s) until applied check box is selected.
To insert a command into the command list, select a command in the list, then select an option, then click Insert. The new command is inserted into the command list above the selected command. When the Delay view command(s) until applied check box is selected, Insert does not execute until you click Execute.
To delete a command from the command list, select a command and click Delete. The command is removed from the command list. When the Delay view command(s) until applied check box is selected, Delete does not execute until you click Execute.
7. At any time, or when all the commands are listed to configure the drawing representation, click Execute. The system applies all the commands listed, in the order in which they are listed, to the current drawing. When all listed commands have been applied, Execute is not available unless Delay view command(s) until applied is selected.
8. Click the Drawing display tab.
The Drawing display page can be used to automatically retrieve a specific sheet, go to a previously named view, or center a specific view. It also controls the behavior of tables with repeat regions.
Use the Drawing display options to control the cosmetic components of a drawing. In the Drawing Location area of the dialog box, do one of the following:
Select from the Go to Sheet list of available sheets in the current drawing to specify the sheet where to load the drawing representation (for example, load to sheet 6 of a 10-sheet drawing). When you retrieve a drawing representation, the specified sheet of the drawing is displayed. Only specified sheets are loaded when you retrieve the drawing representation.
To specify a named pan/zoom location for the drawing, select the name of a view from the Go to named pan/zoom state list. This list contains the same view names that are on the View > Saved Views list (the views that you previously defined).
When you next retrieve the drawing representation, the drawing zooms to the selected view. This allows you to make a minor change in a particular small part of the drawing without having to see the entire drawing.
Select Go to center of view to specify the location for the drawing representation. Centering a view keeps the drawing from repainting other views. Selecting Go to center of view automatically clears Go to sheet and Go to named pan/zoom state.
Select the view to go to from the list of views and models, or use the GET SELECT menu to select a view, and select the middle of the view. When you next retrieve the drawing representation, the drawing centers the specified view.
9. In the Table preferences area, specify table control:
As is—Leaves BOM tables in their current state
Frozen—Freezes BOM tables—repeat region calculations are frozen so any changes to the BOM assembly will not be reflected in the table
Updating—Updates BOM tables—repeat regions automatically calculate changes to BOM assembly information
10. When you have finished configuring the drawing representation, click OK to accept the commands. The DRAWING REP menu appears.
After you have created a user-defined drawing representation, the entire DRAWING REP menu appears, and you can execute, copy, redefine, or delete a drawing representation, or display information about it in a printable window.
11. Save the drawing. Saving the drawing also saves the drawing representation.
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