To Insert a Revolved View
A revolved view is a cross section of an existing view, revolved 90 degrees around a cutting plane projection. You can use a cross section created in the 3D model as the cutting plane, or you can create one on the fly while placing the view. The revolved view differs from a cross-sectional view in that it includes a line noting the axis of revolution for the view.
1. Click Layout > Revolved. You are prompted to select the view you want to cross-section.
2. Select the view to cross-section. The view highlights.
3. Select a location on the drawing to display the revolved view, approximately along the cutting plane projection in the parent view. The View dialog box opens. You can modify the view name, however, you can not change the view type.
4. Define where to revolve the view by selecting an existing cross section from the Cross-section list or creating a new one. To create a new cross section on the fly:
Select Create New from the Cross-section list. The XSEC CREATE menu appears on the Menu Manager.
Define the cross section as Planar and select the appropriate attributes. Click Done. You are prompted to name the cross section.
Type the required name and press ENTER. You are prompted to define the cross-sectional reference.
Select and existing reference or create a new one. Only the cross sections parallel to the screen are created.
If you selected or created a valid cross section, the revolved view is displayed on the drawing.
5. To continue defining other attributes of the drawing view, click Apply and then select the appropriate category. If you have completely defined the drawing view, click OK.
Modify the centerline of symmetry, as necessary. Replace the butting plane extension as the centerline of symmetry by selecting a datum plane or axis in the revolved view that is parallel to the cutting plane projection in the parent view. The system centers the revolved view so that the selected plane (or axis) is co-linear with the cutting plane in the parent view. If you press the middle mouse button instead, the cutting plane passes through the center of the revolved view.
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