About Converting Views to Draft Items
You can convert drawing views into a collection of draft items that are no longer associated with their corresponding model. During the conversion, the following changes occur:
All visible geometry, axes, datums, and other entities in the view become draft entities.
All draft entities that were previously associated with the view become free.
All attached drawing items such as notes, geometric tolerances, symbols, and draft dimensions are converted to the respective draft entities or notes.
All visible model dimensions become draft dimensions.
View dimensions become unassociative draft dimensions.
Model entities in a view are converted to the corresponding draft entities as shown in the following table:
Model Entity in a View
Converted Draft Entity
None of the above
Consequences of Converting
After converting a view to a draft entity, the system deletes the original view, as well as child views, children on other sheets, and erased children. However, the system does not automatically delete the model that is used to generate the view. If required, delete the model manually from the drawing.
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