Interface > Working with Data Exchange Formats > Creo View > Exporting to Creo View > About Creo View Export Profile Settings and the Corresponding Configuration Options
About Creo View Export Profile Settings and the Corresponding Configuration Options
The following table maps the settings in the Creo View Export Profile Settings export profile editor with the corresponding configuration options in the file.
Export Profile Options
Corresponding Configuration Options
Recipe file directory
Specifies the location of the overlay recipe files.
Recipe for ed./.edz files
Specifies the overlay recipe file used for the export of drawings and models as .ed and .edz file types.
Recipe for ‘.pvs/.pvz’ files
Specifies the overlay recipe file used for the export of drawings and models as .pvsand .pvz file types.
Creo display based tessellation settings
Edge display quality:
Automatic or Custom
Automatic is the default.
If you set the value to Custom, you can specify the following values, High is the default:
Low—Decreases tessellation, but speeds up display.
Medium—Normal display of edges and is the default.
High—Increases tessellation by a factor of 2.
Very High—Increases tessellation by a factor of 3.
Specifies the display quality setting of edges for the exported tessellation.
Shade display quality:
Automatic or Custom
Automatic is the default.
If you set the value to Custom, you can specify values from 1 to 50, 8 is the default.
Specifies the shade display quality settings for the exported tessellation.
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