Interface > Validating Import > About the Details of the Import Validation Results
About the Details of the Import Validation Results
Non-Creo part and assembly models are automatically validated in Creo for the following actions:
Opening via Creo Unite as a non-Creo model for the first time.
Initial import of a non-Creo file.
Associative Topology Bus (ATB) update.
Import Data Doctor (IDD) repair or redefine of the import feature.
Validation occurs when the Enable Import Validation check box on the 3D data exchange settings page of the Creo Parametric Options Options dialog box is selected, or the intf3d_in_enable_imp_validation configuration option is set to yes. This setting is set by default.
Watch this video for more information about retrieving missing components, the import validation results and the Import Validation Report:
You can right-click an imported or a non-native model on the Model Tree, and then click Import Validation > Report to investigate the validation results in the Import Validation Report. The mass property values (volume, surface area, COG) are compared at the model level of the part and assembly.
Creo does not support mass property value comparison at the body level. Multibody mass properties are evaluated only at the level of the resulting imported part or assembly. A body can be checked for solidification, but not against its individual volume, surface area, and COG values.
For assemblies, the Summary tab of the Import Validation Report displays the following model and component-level import details:
The Status type column indicates whether the comparison results and the validation score report failure and warnings.
The Number of Components column lists the number of components that failed to import and the number of components that imported with warnings.
In this assembly column lists the number of failures and warnings reported for the assembly model.
At the component level, Status type lists the following import details of the components:
Solidification failures—Components failed to solidify after import.
Import failures—Components failed to import.
Missing—Components are missing in the imported assembly models.
Status lists the number of components that failed to solidify or import and the number of components missing in the assembly model.
For single body part models, the Summary tab lists the following import details:
Status type lists the following import details of the part models:
Part import—The status of the import as OK, parts failed to import, or parts failed to solidify.
Failures—The number of failures.
Warnings—The number of warnings.
Status lists the import status and the number of failures and warnings in the part model.
For part models that contain multiple bodies, the Summary tab lists the following import details:
Status type indicates whether the part failed validation or imported with warnings.
In this part lists the number of failures and warnings that exists at the body level of the part as indicated:
Failures—The number of failures that exists at the body level in the part.
Warnings—The number of warnings that exists at the body level in the part.
Status type under Body Validation indicates as follows whether the bodies in the part solidified or failed to solidify.
—All the bodies of the part solidified without reporting failure in the Status column.
—A subset of bodies or all the bodies in the part failed to solidify as indicated by the number of bodies in the Status column.
The import of the multibody part is validated as failed even if a subset of the bodies of the part fail to solidify.
Depending on the validation score, Import Status represents the overall status of the imported part or assembly model as follows:
—Represents the PASS value of the PTC_VAL_IMP_SCORE parameter.
—Represents the PASS_WITH_WARNING value of the PTC_VAL_IMP_SCORE parameter.
—Represents the FAIL value of the PTC_VAL_IMP_SCORE parameter.
You can click the Properties tab in the Import Validation Report to verify the import status of each validation property. The validation properties of the source and the imported models are listed with their original and calculated values and model units. You can verify the deviation in the conversion value of each property.
You can click Settings to verify the following details of the validation properties and the model in the Import Validation Settings dialog box:
The maximum tolerance allowed for the translation of each validation property.
The units assigned for the tolerance as a percent value for volume and surface area and the model units of length for the COG properties.
Model errors such as:
Failure to solidify
Failure to import
The severity of the import failure for each validation property and the model is set to the value: Error, Warning, or Ignore.
The Import Validation Report communicates to the Notification Center inconsistencies in the imported models, such as missing components, empty models, incomplete geometry and product structures, and parts and components that fail to solidify. You can view the notifications displayed by the Notification Center for such model inconsistencies and use commands on the Notification Center to resolve these model inconsistencies.
The Import Validation Report is not available in the following cases:
The assembly model is a graphic or structure representations.
The TIM component is a missing component of an assembly and is a placeholder model.
The TIM or the non-native model is a user-defined simplified representation that is accelerated as geometry snapshot.
If the TIM or the non-native model is a graphic representation, geometry representation, or a symbolic representation, the Settings and the Update buttons are not available in the Import Validation Report. Although you can view the validation parameter values, you cannot reset the validation parameter values or update to recalculate the validation score because you have not activated the master representation of the TIM or the non-native model.
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