Create a Flat Ply View
A flat ply view is a display of a single ply in a flattened state on a drawing sheet.
Before you create a flat ply view, make sure of the following:
The active model contains a draping simulation feature with which the ply is draped. To learn how to drape a ply and to generate a draping simulation feature in the composite feature, see Run draping simulations.
The ply has successful drape results.
The Ignore display status of layers in model setting in the Layer Status Control dialog box is selected to Yes or All.
You can display the seed point, rosette, draping direction, fixed warp and weft fibers, constituent fiber angle lines, length, width, and area of the ply in the flat ply view.
Create a flat ply view of a ply as follows:
1. Create a new drawing or open an existing drawing.
2. Use Drawing Models to add the parent model of the ply to the drawing.
3. In the Layout tab, click Model Views > Flat Ply View.
4. When the parent model contains only one composite feature, it is used by default for creating the flat ply view. When the parent model contains more than one composite feature, select the composite feature that contains the ply for creating the flat ply view.
5. Select a location for the center point of the flat ply view in the graphics window. The Drawing View dialog box opens.
6. Specify the settings for the flat ply view:
a. Click View Type and specify the name and active ply for the flat ply view.
b. Click Scale and type a value in the Custom scale box to scale the display of the flat ply view.
c. Click View Display and select the information to display in the flat ply view.
d. (Optional) Click Alignment and use available options to align the flat ply view.
7. Click OK.
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