Creo Manikin > Custom Manikins > To Edit the Dimensions of a Custom Manikin
To Edit the Dimensions of a Custom Manikin
1. Open a custom manikin.
If a custom manikin is in the context of an assembly, you must open the manikin assembly in a new window to make it available for editing.
Currently, the following manikins are available for editing:
m_custom.asm—Male manikin
w_custom.asm—Female manikin
A manikin that you have customized by editing m_custom.asm or w_custom.asm
2. Click the Manikin tab.
3. Click Edit Manikin. The Manikin Editor dialog box opens.
Because some dimensions affect other dimensions, the best sequence to enter the dimensions is from the top of the dialog box to the bottom.
4. To set the units system used for the manikin dimensions in the Manikin Editor dialog box, under Manikin to edit, click the arrow next to , point to Units, and select Metric or Imperial.
5. To edit the height dimension, type a value next to Height.
The height value drives the values of the other manikin dimensions. If you already changed any of the other dimensions and then you edit the height, the height overrides all the other dimensions, and your changes will be lost when you type the new height dimension.
The height is defined as from the floor to the top of the head (apex point), including 1 inch/2.5 cm for the sole of the shoe. The shoe height cannot be edited.
6. To edit the weight dimension, type a value next to Weight. The weight drives the circumference dimensions.
7. To edit the dimensions that contribute to height, under Height Proportion, type values for up to two of the following three dimensions:
Upper body length
Upper leg length, seated
Lower leg length, seated
If you customize two of the height proportion dimensions, the third dimension becomes unavailable.
The Height Proportion dimensions affect each other. Even if you set the individual dimensions within the allowed range, at the highest and lowest values within the range, it could drive an effected dimension outside of the allowed range.
8. To edit length or width dimensions that do not contribute to height, under Length and Width, type values for any of the following:
Arm length
Shoulder width
If you edit the shoulder width, then the upper arm circumference remains the same, even if the weight changes.
If you do not edit the shoulder width, then the weight dimension drives both the shoulder width and upper arm circumference dimensions.
Hand length
Hand width
Shoe length
9. To edit circumference dimensions, under Circumference, type values for any of the following:
Changing the circumference dimensions only changes the body geometry. It does not change the weight value.
10. To add text that describes the population that the customized manikin represents, click the Attributes tab, and type demographic, version, and descriptive information:
Original manikin—Source manikin that you used to edit your manikin. This is filled in automatically and is not editable.
Age group—Range of ages.
Country—Country or geographical region.
Data base—Anthropomorphic database of the original manikin.
Gender—Male or female.
Size percentile—Size percentile of the manikin within the population it represents. A 95% manikin is among the tallest, whereas a 5% manikin is among the shortest.
Version—Numbered version of the manikin.
Modeled by—Name of the person or group that created or edited the edited manikin.
Description—Additional information that describes the population, such as profession.
11. Use any of the following commands as required:
Reset—Resets all the dimensions of the manikin back to the dimensions that were last stored with the manikin.
Cancel—Cancels your changes to the manikin.
Shortcut commands
Right-click a manikin dimension and select the following commands from the shortcut menu:
—For dimensions that were edited, returns the dimension to the value that is driven by the current height value. Not available for the height.
12. To save your customized manikin, click one of the following commands:
Save As—Saves your edited manikin as a new, customized manikin. You can save your edited manikin in a different location.
Save As > Save—Saves your changes, overwriting your previous customized manikin. You cannot overwrite the original customizable manikins.
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