Creo Manikin > Constraining and Fixing a Manikin > About Fixing Manikin Segments
About Fixing Manikin Segments
When a manikin segment is fixed, the fixed segment maintains the same position, and remains unmovable in relation to the references (rigid body) against which the manikin was placed. When you try to drag a fixed segment, it is automatically unfixed while you drag it and fixed again when the movement is finished. When you drag another segment, the fixed segment does not participate in the movement and remains fixed.
Influence of fixed segments on other segments
When a segment that is adjacent to a fixed segment is being dragged, and it reaches its motion limit in relation to the fixed segment, it will stop.
A fixed segment can prevent other segments from fully performing a Reach. For example, if you fix the left upper arm, and you want the manikin to reach with the left hand, only the lower left arm below the elbow can reach, because the kinematic chain is limited.
Visual indications
In the Manikin Tree, when you fix a manikin segment, its icon changes from to .
In the Manikin Constraints node, the fixed segment appears as a fixed constraint with the fixed icon in front of it.
In the graphics window, when you select a manikin segment that is fixed, the fixed glyph appears.
Applying a posture
When you apply a posture to a manikin that contains fixed segments, the manikin will be repositioned in the new posture, and then the fix constraint is automatically re-applied.
Replacing a manikin
When one manikin replaces another manikin, any segments that are fixed will remain fixed in the new manikin.
Interaction between fixing and locking
You can fix a segment that contains fully or partially locked DOFs (degrees of freedom). When you fix a locked or semi locked segment, it removes the locked state of the DOFs of the segment.
You cannot lock the DOFs of a fixed segment. You have to unfix the segment first, and then you will be able to lock the DOFs.
Multiple segment selection
You can fix a single manikin segment, or multiple segments at one time. In the Manikin Tree, the Fix Segment command is available when all the selected segments are unfixed, and the Unfix Segment command is available when all the selected segments are fixed.
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