Creo Manikin > Analyses > Comfort Analyses > About Comfort Angle Analyses
About Comfort Angle Analyses
A comfort angle analysis helps you determine how to design an area, or where to place objects, for comfortable use by a person performing a specific task in a scene.
A comfort angle analysis compares the manikin’s posture to a manikin comfort angle (mca) file. These files contain data that assigns scores to each joint in the human body.
The mca files are kept in the Comfort Library. You can set the default location of the Comfort Library using the ptc_manikin_comforts_path configuration option.
The results of a comfort angle analysis appear as scores in the Comfort Analysis dialog box, and in the graphics window as angle regions of a circle. A region is created for each joint that is analyzed. You can save the results as a saved analysis within the comfort analysis tool, or as a saved analysis feature in the Model Tree.
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