Creo Manikin > Vision > About Simulating Vision
About Simulating Vision
You can simulate three aspects of vision.
Look At—Simulates the change in head posture and eye position that occurs when the manikin looks at an object. Click Manikin > Look At to open the Look At dialog box.
When you choose a manikin and the item to look at, a constraint is created between the line of sight and the target. You can save the constraint in a snapshot.
Vision Window—Shows what a person would see in any given position. The vision window that you see on the screen shows what is in the manikin's field of vision. You can save these views as images and reuse them. Click Manikin > Vision Window to show in an embedded window what the manikin sees.
Vision Cones—Show a person’s zones of visual acuity or fields of vision as colored cones. Each color represents a specific range of visual performance. Click Manikin > Vision Cones to show the vision cones for the manikin.
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