Creo Manikin > Libraries > About Setting Up and Accessing the Manikin Libraries
About Setting Up and Accessing the Manikin Libraries
When you purchase and activate a Creo Manikin license, you are granted access to the dedicated manikin functionalities that come with a standard Creo Parametric installation. No further installation is required.
Download the population datasets from the Creo Manikin Population Data CD into a manikin dataset library folder and set the ptc_manikin_library_path configuration option to the library folder. When the path is set, the system automatically searches for a manikin at this location.
If you do not set the option, the Manikin Lite manikin (ptc_manikin.asm) is the only manikin available.
You can manually measure dimensions that are not included in the manikin library dataset. References to help you measure are included on different layers.To view references,click Show > Layer Tree, and unhide one or more layers.
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