About Screw Hole Data
Screw cutouts follow standards similar to those for cooling holes and ejector holes. You can set twelve hole dimensions on the Screw Hole Data tab:
SCR_TYPE_ID—Screw types for which these values must be used. (ANY applies settings to all screw types.)
SCR_NOM—Screw nominal dimension. Use to identify the correct line of this list.
SCR_CB_DIA—Counterbore diameter.
SCR_CB_DEPTH—Counterbore depth.
SCR_DIA_F—Thru holes diameter, fine.
SCR_DIA_M—Thru holes diameter, middle.
SCR_DIA_R—Thru holes diameter, rough.
SCR_CORE_DIA—Thread bore core diameter.
SCR_THREAD_DEPTH—Minimum thread depth.
SCR_CORE_DEPTH—Thread bore core depth.
SCR_TOL—Fit (number, no set-id, default values are H7.)
SCR_PITCH—Thread per inch or mm = Pitch.
SCR_CB_DIA_WASHER—Counterbore diameter if using spring washer.
SCR_CB_DEPTH_WASHER—Counterbore depth if using spring washer.
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