Expert Moldbase Extension > Creo Expert Moldbase Extension > About the Bill of Materials > About the Bill of Materials Dialog Box in Drawing Mode
About the Bill of Materials Dialog Box in Drawing Mode
From the Bill of Material dialog box, you can place BOM balloons in the current drawing.
Use the following commands from the shortcut menu to add and delete balloons:
Right–click an item and select Add Balloon Note. The Bill of Materials dialog box is minimized, and item is selected in the drawing sheet. Click one time, define the attachment position, and click a second time to define the balloon position.
Click Remove Balloon Note to remove all balloons from the selected item.
You can place multiple balloons for each BOM item.
You can select multiple items. The balloons are placed in a loop
Drawings can be exported in the neutral file formats of PDF and DXF. Neutral file formats such as STEP and IGES can be exported from the BOM dialog box.
1. Select a component in the list and specify the format in the file format option menu.
2. Export the file with .
The neutral drawing file will be written to the working directory.
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