About the Options, Features, and Subcomponents Tabs in the Component Editor Dialog Box
Options Tab
In the Options tab you can define customized options for an EMX component. A fully-defined option contains the items listed below:
• Option display name—Translated string
• Option name— Keyword used by the software
• Default value—The default value for the option
• Options type—Select from the list or click Yes or No.
Options are not completely customizable. For different component types there are several valid options such as COUNTERBORE and SECONDBORE for screws, TRIM or AUTO_LENGTH for cooling comps, and ROTFIX for ejector pins.
Features Tab
From the Features tab you can suppress and resume certain features in models depending on a defined option and its value. A valid feature definition requires the following:
• Feature name—A list of features by names in the model is available in the option menu
• Option name—From the Options
• Value—The value for the option which needs to be set to make the feature visible.
Subcomponents Tab
When you define an assembly as a library component, you need to provide EMX with the location of the definitions of the subcomponents in the EMX components directory. Valid subcomponents require the information listed below:
• Name of the component
• Unit (mm or inch)
• Directory such as screw, dowel pin, lifter, and so in the components folder
• Supplier such as Hasco
• File name (name of the template part)
• Type name. EMX searches for this name under Instances. In the instances section for each assembly instance, a valid subcomponent instance must be defined.
• Side value defines the view to which the component is added.
A valid assembly contains multiple parts. Subassemblies are not possible.
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